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torsdag den 23. juli 2015

castle crashes review

Spoiler alert!

I kinda liked It then I gotta to see an owl, a Deer and a Hunky Mighty Grizzly shit their bridge Gawd I love toilet humour and playing it with my sister is just making it so much more fun I mean com'on it's behemoth that made the game the guys that gave us, Dad 'n' Me, Alien Homid, Battleblock theatre with the lady's man Hatty Hattinton that is oh so gr8 but gets corrupted by Herbert Furbottom's hat   Hehe bottom I see what u did there behemoth  Furbottom died because wait for it one night he really had to take shit and waaaaait for it he pushed to hard so he died Shitting too hard so yeah he shat himself to death pretty damn funny don't u think....no then ur too adult congrats on that even though I'm turning twenty whopping two this summer I can't stop laughing when it comes to the toilet humour and it's kinda off the wall but not really because everybody even ur grand something without a funny bone had been laughing at least one time to things fart related and if they haven't Pls slap them because they're lying or maybe they forgot they once had a blast as a kid or maybe they won't tell it because grandparents is a some sort of symbol of serious business but yeah so our progress so far is that we're doing something to polar bears that Green peace wouldn't like...if they were in the game...and in my defence they were hitting my sister and nobody does that not even in video games ....only me when we play injustice or Star Wars battlefront II and she's being a sassy Bitch

In her defence they shoved a salmon up her butt and began attacking her first so it's purely self  defence Foxies  in real nobody should hit anybody and love ur animal "brothers and sisters" Cuz they're cute and awesome even though they might be an 8ft tall grizzly with big razor sharp claws and a fang that could crush ur skull they won't probably that unless ur in the way of food or stole their cub or lady friend ;3   Buta I'd been playing as the IceQueen um I mean knight ice knight
And my sister is playing as the fire knight Cuz Foxy's Sista on Fiiiiirrryyyyaaaaa! Sorry I just had to make that pun it was the (ICE)ing on the cake.

Lately I'd been playing it with my mom....
Yeah my mom is so radical she knows how to play video games is ur mom that cool? No okay u can burrow mine when she's being embarrassing and stuff

But yeah she's cool so cool she beat her son to death as the hulk ....in Lego marvel superheroes instead of the bad guys....CALL CHILDPROTECTION SERViCE Right now!...even though I'm only a kid of heart and turning twenty fucking two so ...do anyway xD no wait I can do the same but yeah in injustice Gods Among us
Yeah let's her trying to break the ice when she taste the mace yeah! Time to bring my bitch game (finding my inner sassy bitch) 100% Puns intended totally worth it I'll tell u about it later when I have shown my mom that u don't mess with the best....in her house xD

Somebody tape my mouth ASAP before I let out one more quote used as puns and make sure I stay down DAMN IT!

Hottie of the Day Scarlet Johansson

Cya  Foxy's out

tirsdag den 21. juli 2015

Teasing and writing

I promised u Foxies some bits from some of my drafts on my fics and I'm a man of my word...sigh so here goes nothing :3

Ours but not each others

~shit Baby dove the meerkat gave me his number...but I can't text him cuz then he knows I'm u! Help!
~oh yeah I kinda forgot to tell u that Foxy whoopsie😜😬
~ I hope u have a boyfriend cuz...
~ what have the meerkat gone straight?
~nooo but Captain Catnip Is having a crush on u 😳
~ OMG Hunky mc Hotstuff! 😍😍😍😍 <33333
~ what? He is hot and hunky ...do u think he's rough in bed I bet he is ☺️😍😍😙😙😙😘😘
~ oh For the love of Grant Gustin 😑
~he's hot too do u think Hunky Clarinton is into threesomes? Cuz then u could get some too😇
~😫 focus on the job Crystal!
~ bet u want him to shred ur ass
~ just stop my head hurts and I need a Cosmo😖
~Foxy? R u alright
~....pls shut up Crystal before I buy a crowbar or a mallet 😂


Sebastian was in Disney land with Aunt Anastasia and cousin Billy only a Few months after the break up with Cazz and their McKinley help was soo cold like Cazz and him hadn't talked at all to each other it was completely crazy Cazz had been giving him the cold shoulder and like it wasn't enough Cazz never said a word Sebastian could literally see his breathe when they were in the same room the only thing Cazz had said when Sebastian said it was getting cold was "must be an early Winter"

Sebastian missed talking with him but if he admitted it Foxy would be right and Sebastian wouldn't swallow his pride not this time cuz he was right according to him self
Hunter, Nick and the others told him he was jerk and a huge dick and everytime he asked Hunter about Foxy he got the same answer everytime "what it's to u Smythe?"

It wasn't fun having Guys COD night cuz Kurt didn't know how to play and he had kind of thrown the others out once they told him that he was a jerk and after what he had told them...them his friends what happened it who did they think they were well not his true friends cuz he was right and Foxy was dead wrong and he didn't need Foxy cuz he had...well nobody except for his family although uncle Barry told him he was being stupid and childish okay so he had absolutely nobody in the world great.

..well he had No Cognac hadn't been the same around Sebastian ever since Foxy left like he could sense that Sebastian had something to do with Foxy's disappearance but anyway Sebastian was right and he didn't need anyone especially not a certain Brown eyed Foxy Redhead with those pretty shoulders and foxy hourglass figure and those red cherry lips and that warm smile and melodic voice and laugh and that soft skin and those careful touches and oh the massages

what was he talking about again oh yeah how much he could live his life with nobody else but him self who were he kidding he missed his former fiancé too much here the other day he caught himself saying that his Mère's PBJ sandwiches wasn't as good as Foxy's and when she made chocolate chip cookies he told her that it was wrong and Foxy never made them like the way she did

Date-o Rama

Sebastian changed 22 times and had to hear every single lynching commentary from Hipster wannabe to Blaine Anderson and GaybarPornstar with a leather fetish
Sebastian found his black Gstar denim trousers a bronze brown shirt
"U look quite sexy There Handsome are u trying to woo me

Calling the favours

Hunter was going to court for the Steroid verdict
Sebastian had asked his father to take on the his Best friend's case
Hunter looked nervous because it would mean Silas Smythe have to dig into his past and Which meant his best Friend would know about His connection to his best friend's love interest and that love interest could put the finally nail in the coffin and send Hunter away for good and his foster Father would know what he had done

Down the rabbit hole

Cazz looked down at himself and smiled
He had boobs yeahy and not the gross man boobs but cute girl boobs why did he study his dream lady boobs and second why did he have boobs and thirdly why did everything look 1.1inch taller than normal? And why did his hands look girly so long and okay they've got smaller and it looked like he needed a manicure, why did he think like that Cazz didn't give two fly fucks about that!
And why did he have long beautiful bluish white hair?
Yet again Cazz' thoughts was girly than usual?

He spoke out
"Hey world?
Well his voice was definitely a woman's voice and if he had a vag he would flip
Yup he had the vag but who the fuck was he?

He approached a mirror he touched it and it froze instantly
Okay so he good be two persons with lager boobs and ice powers and surely he wasn't Elsa from disney's frozen so he could only be one and it was AWESOME no no wait it was COOL

Pooch in my Gucci

Kurt walked up and down the stage floor he was so nervous he didn't know where,what and how to do he have never felt like this how could he tell what he have done of course he was a reasonable guy but how could he forgive him this, it was like if he..he.. Kissed his bf or fucked him oh god oh god oh god

And there he was coming up to him Kurt wanted to flee but he couldn't he was glued to the floor

Yeah.... I know it's bad xD
But I promised u took get a look so yeah they're pretty bad :3

But anyways hottie of the day  Lady Gaga x3

søndag den 19. juli 2015

mind inside

Hottie of the Day 

Candice Patton 

Today I wanna let u Foxies in on a little not so secret, secret or well it's not more Surprising than well a secret but the place I find most relaxing place is a place where there is life! I love places where u can just hear the world I loved being in NYC because when I wasn't out enjoying the city heck even when I was out I got sucked into my own little mind, inner sanctum; thinking about everything and anything I even sometimes sits in the mall ...when I'm not shopping....#IDontHaveAShoppingProblem
And I know some people can get to their inner deep thought by completely Silence just a their room shrouded in dead Silence and yes of course I also think big thoughts when I'm out taking a dump :3 but I'll take a bow if u are able to think about the big things in a room fill with dead silence cuz the closest I was, was something "man sure here is quite I wonder if anybody would hear my fart cuz damn my gas chamber is under pressure" and let's face that's not even deep xD

But yeah if I Heard my jam! On the radio or just look at clothes or designs heck even a scent or smell and BAM! my brain just starts rolling in the deep with thoughts and Ideas this topic all started thanks to Grant Gustin's Lovely smirked and Selena Gomez' Middle of Nowhere and cute Girl at the counter which number I didn't get cuz I'm stupid like that #OhFoxy #IknowRight #StopHashtaggingFoxy #Hashtag #xD

Ohm so take a cup of joe or tea or whatever as longest it makes u calm and just lock the world mentally out when was the last time u just sat down and thought for ur self...orly? Guess I was right after all :3

In other Tales of the Fox

Well two topics 2 go and Six days before I'm turning 22 so yeah I've got 5 days to make some magic xD and reach 50 posts ...no sweat I guess even Banjo Kazooie is taking some of my time and so does my bad bad bad ...bad fic writing x3 but yeah if Sups is still rad among the world and he is as old as my grandma.....no shit he is as old as my grandma Connie and Superboy...is from 93 same year as urs truly #90sKid #1993 #2Rad4U oh the 90's it was a good period to grow up in especially the early 90's I kinda miss Batman the animated series and superman, not to sound like a dick but I'm not gonna envy my future child's childhood cuz it can't beat the childhood of the 90's kids sorry but somebody had to had to address the elephant in the china Shop ... Yeah

But yeah to the actual thing I think I'm gonna be a bit Sweet and post like a tiny little piece of what's on my fic drafting board in the next Post but only if ur the sweetest Foxies u could ever be.... Who am I trying kidding I bet u r guys and if u rn't Good ol' Foxy's gonna be disappointed and that's a dogtag u don't wanna carry around ur neck :3

.....and No she Ajoured on her Instagram she's not nude on the pic and I can say the same ....not because i went to San Diego Comic con to check but because I saw the outfit she worn so yeah


 CYA Foxy's out ....Shopping.....AGAIN! XD

torsdag den 9. juli 2015

getting ready for Adventuring though the old days :D

A LOOOONG trip down Memory Lane 

yeah I'm gonna take a looong walk with only 14 days left of my days as a 21 year old Crazy person I thought it was time to go back once again to some of childhood games

Right now i'm Playing Good ol' Banjo Kazooie cuz ....Crash Bandicoot is not avaliable on Xbox well the origal triolgy isn't My childhood Platformer is not on Xbox I'm gonna sit in the corner and Cry a bit Eventhough I love ..woah to strong a word meant Like the wrath of Cotex and Twinsanity and the Racing games

...it's not the same bwaaaaha sob sob :3 well and I 100%'d "the reboot" Crash of Titans and Crash Mind over Mutant and they're horrible god it's like what WB Montreal have done with The new BatGirl DLC for Arkham Knight

 ...yes WBM have made the DLC for they're screwing it completly up ....again why? TIM DRAKE the DLC takes place when Harley were in her old good Classic suit and Babs(Barbara Gordon) weren't in a wheel chair and freakin Tim Drake the third Robin is helping

... it's based on a matter of family where Joker kidnaps her Dad Jim Gordon and in the WB Games Arkhamverse Tim Drake were the new Robin in the Arkham City in Origins we had Dick Grayson as the Robin but yeah heres the point

Tim can't be Robin back then cuz he wouldn't have been on his second year as Robin because The killing Joke has happend before Arkham Asylum and Arkham City so yeah they messed that a round of applause for WBM U did it again! at least u didn't fuck Harley Costume up otherwise I would have thrown my self down the stairs
but yeah back on topic

so instead of playing Crash Bandicoot I'm playing another Game from my past Banjo Kazooie ..yes I grew up with Awesome Platformers Thank you I know i'm just that awesome #JK I'm not that awesome XD but yeah so Hottie of today is one for the Guys cuz Gals u have getting to many guys XD

Danielle Panabaker

tirsdag den 7. juli 2015

Mes Renards Je T'aime

"Let me star of with saying I really love y'all the Foxy Beau-tie had 1572 views and now 45 posts If we make it to 2000Views and 50 posts i'm gonna loose my Shit especially if we do it before My bday July 25th xD I know it's just numbers but u make it so much fun I love u Foxie...."

Was what I going to say back at June 1st but now about to loose my shit because I'd been away for waaaay too long and u ...u... have reached Oh My Love for Grant Gustin u have reached 2102 views and it's only July 7th (In Denmark) but anyway i'm sitting right now with tears in my eyes and smilling the dumbest smile in the entire world ur fucking amazing and seen how much this have have grown since June 1st i most say Bravo Bravo Ma Foxies 530 views while I was out doing random stuff like Arkham Knight, Reading, Singing in the shower, Expanding my Funko Collection Playing Banjo.. Kazooie  moving my grandma's suprisingly very light couch, co-oping on a logo with KCherish AKA Bats it was for Flashy Fox...my Wordpress Blog speaking of Wordpress it has so many simularities to Blogger U wouldn't believe it ! so yeah I still got so topics up my sleeve and FLGG I'm gonna get to 50 before my bday FOXY*s OUT C YA :3

oh Hottie of The day .... Pietro Boselli