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fredag den 27. januar 2017

OH...My...Genji Booty

I love Resi 7... There's a twist in the game I watched Mr.darkphoenix and I's fellow twitcher/Youtuber MykolasGX play Resi7 the whole way through and gosh the twist had me and Mykolas going OMG?!

If u already know the twist don't tell people what it is cuz this is a Huge ass Twist and we're talking Silenthill 2 and Bioshock huge like those pictures when u see it u can not unsee it 

I'll give u this little hint  or rather I quote Mark "Luke Skywalker" "The Trickster " "The Joker" Hamill himself ....no he is not in the game and now I think about I won't cuz ur such smart Foxies that u will figure it out anyway ;3

torsdag den 5. januar 2017


So I'm reading three comic books ATM it's the Flash Rebirth #13, Blue Beetle Rebirth #4 and HellBlazer Rebirth #5  it helps a bit since my Stepdad got diagnosed with Parkinson's last Tuesday I know it's nothing lethal and stuff but u know but yeah it came as a Shocker to not only to himself but me and my mom as Well and it's easy to say " naah it would touch me at all if my yada yada Zenyatta had it diagnosed" well readin' my Fav comic superhero helps ;3 

Yush in the puss

I Finally got Young Genji *Giggles* yatah ;3  and with the winter update is almost over and I'd almost got every Christmas Skin for starters I only wanted McCree, Sombra , Pharah, Reaper, the first thing I'd got was Zennytta the Nuttcracker ;3 ...the only skins I'm missing is Zarya, Roadhog, Winston and Thorbjörn's but the only thing I want is Symentra's heroic Highlight she is one of my mains ;3 and when I sHit hits the Fan I pull some WindowMaker Moves even when I'm a biiiiiiiit drunk....Hehe Thx DOOM 4 teaching me how to Aim 4 the Heads....(Downunder and upstairs) wait...um guess Johnny Cage Taught me to hit Downunder anyways um yeah but yeah besides Young Genji right after I'd got his Sparrow Skin(the one in this lovely Fanart down below) btw lil update got all the winter Skins and the biggest disappointment was the Zarya Frosted Skin i mean seriously she only got some Snow in her hair and Sleeves, she reminds me of my Sister  they both have "changed" abit except they haven't at all case and point it looks 'xactly like one of her other suits grrr