So that is Probably the weirdest thing (For me) to write Like seen ur own Nickname or name in a 3rd person thing like :D It's just Weird to me, Anyways thought i would Update u how I am doing. So how am I Doing? Well i'm doing Some volunteer work at Sex & Samfund(Sex & Society) which is a Nonprofit organation.
I'm also A part of a Cool Youtube group Channel called Maximum Nerdom Psst U should Totally Check it out and subscribe right now we have some unboxing, Gameplay with Urs truly & Jason Firestorm, Podcasts, Movie/Series Reviews Psst We also have a facebook page and An Amino Page :D I'll Leave some Links :D Our team Is: Ren Krypton/Sunokinectic, MarvelandDc379, Jason Firestorm, KDLizzy from twitch & Lil me :3
They're Awesome and I love them They're like Family to me and we have alot of Fun Playin together and Talking.
I'm also Looking for a job that cuz yeah It takes money to buy new threads and hit the Town pay bills and Stuff like That. also I'm Single But happy cuz I have A lil Summer Flirt :D
Anyways Foxy's Out Cya
FB Page
Maximum Nerdom's Youtube
Jason's Youtube
Ren's YT
MarvelandDC379's YT
KDLizzy's Twitch
my YT Channel
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