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mandag den 28. august 2017

Crash Bandicoot walkthrough

So yeah if u been living under a Rock then u haven't seen It yet ;3 but yeah Over at Maximum Nerdom I'd been doing a Walktrhough of crash Bandicoot n.sane Triology ...the first game at least and Right now I'm in the recording Booth playing Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes back we're in the 3rd world ;3 outta five so it's going swimmingly guess it's gonna be a five parter crash Bandicoot 3 warped is probably gonna be a 10-12 parter due to we need the relics :3 hehe anyways Back to the recording booth :3cya Foxy's out

søndag den 27. august 2017

Foxy's Life

So that is Probably the weirdest thing (For me) to write Like seen ur own Nickname or name in a 3rd person thing like :D It's just Weird to me, Anyways thought i would Update u how I am doing. So how am I Doing? Well i'm doing Some volunteer work at Sex & Samfund(Sex & Society) which is a Nonprofit organation.

I'm also A part of a Cool Youtube group Channel called Maximum Nerdom Psst U should Totally Check it out and subscribe right now we have some unboxing, Gameplay with Urs truly &  Jason Firestorm, Podcasts, Movie/Series Reviews Psst We also have a facebook page and An Amino Page :D  I'll Leave some Links :D Our team Is: Ren Krypton/Sunokinectic, MarvelandDc379, Jason Firestorm, KDLizzy from twitch & Lil me :3

They're Awesome and I love them They're like Family to me and we have alot of Fun Playin together and Talking.

I'm also Looking for a job that cuz yeah It takes money to buy new threads and hit the Town pay bills and Stuff like That. also I'm Single But  happy cuz I have A lil Summer Flirt :D

Anyways Foxy's Out Cya

FB Page

Maximum Nerdom's Youtube

Jason's Youtube

Ren's YT

MarvelandDC379's YT

KDLizzy's Twitch

my YT Channel

Sombra, Doomfist & Orisa

What is there to say about Sombra....well People Are Fucking Impatience and don't appreciate her that much cuz "she just hack Healthpacks" .....it makes wanna Shove a whole hand up their ass ...sometimes me and Mr.Darkphoenix makes a Deal that he won't go Healer so no mercy, Lucìo, Ana, Or Zenny XD so the people can go Find a Health pack Mwhahahahahahahah .... Because if u wanna Take ur time and Learn to play her cuz she is Actually pretty Cool and fun to play as and I love her "Stealth Element" Like I Really Love playing as Her, The Same Goes for Doomfist ...eventhough he ain't a Stealthy Character he is More Like Pow! fist to the Face But yeah They all get a Bad wrap cuz People Aren't patient which Is sad ;/ Anyways Um Yeah Um Sorry I haven't Been Posting Alot I have Just Been Real Busy, looking for a Job....Making YT Vids & So Nonprofit Charity Work

Yeah :3 Foxy's Out :3