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fredag den 5. december 2014


Yeah once again I'm back after a little break down after some stuff in my brain collided and one of my friends picked a cute solution....she took away laptop so I couldn't write anything for the whole weekend the only thing I could do was: Eat, Sleep, Relax, Gaming, Sleep, Eat, Sex(NOT WITH HER U CUTE PERVERTS!!! which have a special place in my so called "Non-existing"or rather "Cold, Cold" Heart )
 but ahem ...where was I.... Oh yeah but the weekend was lovely and I..actually enjoyed it quite alot and she knows how to give a proper massage I was purring like A kitten when was the last time I'd got a massage?....July or August ...it was August but it was really need it according to her :3
It was Puuurrfect thx Sugarh :3

torsdag den 20. november 2014

Sorry Foxcubs :3

I'm Sorry Foxies But Foxy was the fastest

this is the 30th blogpost but Are u crazy it was a long mile u were at 896 views that's cool I felt the pressure for sure it u made me get a pretty nice rymthe there Homework, blogpost, twitter, other assignments, drawings, some ur to young to hear about Xd, writting ..stuff XD, assignments, blogpost....etc.
thank u so much for that my little Foxcubs it have been a really good thing and u helped me finding a rutine and don't worry i won't stop blogging and u will get the other topics :3 sooner rather than l8'er :3 CYA Foxys Out  :3

Love and other stuff

What's Love?

To some it's like it exist in the matriale world like "My guy loves me because look at this 24carat gold diamond ring he bought me cuz he loves me" yeah some define it by giving u gift to show how much he LOOOOVVVEEEESS u, i'm not a fan of that one cuz I think it's Guilt that made him/her buy that thing to make mend cuz maybe he/she not showed enough intrest in a while, have in mind I don't have the list with all the correct answers, 
But there's also the kind where u love him....for his cash
I don't know about u but I would rather call it greed than love :3

There's other forms of love

the love I define as love is kinda like "the perfect one" u know where it feels like u belong in those big arms like two puzzle pieces X3 but hey what do I know I'm just according to my friend Ylya ....Inteligent or whitty gawd that word "inteligent" x)  but yeah she's a kindhearted soul and I like her alot ...as a friend Foxcubs not the other thing ur little Cupids of Love X3

CYA Foxy's out x3

Snowbarry or Baris or Barlicity?

If u ask Me I root for Barry & Felicity cuz They are soooooooooooooooo Cute together but he loves Iris and she loves Oliver but at least they found out that they r in the same Boat :3

Iris and Barry I don't ship them that hard Cuz she's with Eddy Thawne and she doesn't quite get DA Signs of Barry is totally lost in her...hmmm makes me wonder...naaah i haven't missed the signs..yet X3 maybe it's because some people just u know it's easy to see trust me alot of my exs gave it away by walking into the door like Barry did, but yeah I know how he feels it's not funny to love somebody who doesn't love u the same way back. it's cute that she makes her Blog about the streak The Flash for Barry because she finally believe in the impossible

Caitlin Snow & Barry since Barry "can't" get Felicity  because of stuff I second ship him with Caitlin because He can "warm" her "Cold, Cold Heart" like her "dead" fiancee Ronnie could but yet again maybe it's on the friend level but anyway



Can u remember the good old days?

I sure do and games like Dead space, Bioshock, Silent hill, TTT poker night2, injustice, crash bandicoot etc.

U know sometimes it's the environment like how dead space and Bioshock or silent hill I bring me back to the time I watched alien for the first time on something called a video tape on something called a tape recorder I was ... 7 and it was a late evening and when the movie was over I had to get into my room but first of all I had to pee ...stop imaging young me peeing would u kindly? Buta  the living was pitch black and I was like looking around the living room on my way to the toilet and I was looking around cuz what if the xenomorphs were really XD yeah long story short I got out to the toilet and did what I had to do and jump into and slammed the door to my room.
 Games like Crash bandicoot brings the memories  back when I was 5 u know when something called ps one was out and the first ps one me and my sister got was Crash bandicoot 3 warped and my Sister,mom and little me played it together it was a ton of fun and me and one of my best friends Joshua played Silent hill 2 ...cuz we're megamothafers
It's weird say lavender town and I can sing the tone for u
Some of the creepy pastas that are very famous was something we talked about in third grade it sounds crazy right but morina mordeca glescopf was something we talked about and we had this old windows computer in our class and during recess we saw mmg the 32sec video and Suicide mouse.avi, Smile dog.jpeg, username 666, and somebody told the others about the lavender town syndrome and this was in 2002 that's almost 13 years ago

Injustice made the animated Harley Quinn skin for Harley and it brand me back to when I was little and watched batman the animated series

Since I was little the coolest Superheroes according to me was Spidey, The Scarlet Speedster, green lantern, The emerald Archer, the human torch and of Cuz Hulk.

But the coolest in all DC was the Flash and the coolest in the marvel Universe was Spidey, I once a onesie that had the flash and when I grew to long and big for it it was the saddest day in my little life...until that day where my old mate through 13 years died, he was a good dog, his name was Mickey, he 2yrs old when I started in school and he followed me to school everyday until I was old enough to walk to school on my own then I went for a walk with him every morning before I went to school and when I going to my finale exam he died, it was kinda symbolic cuz now my school life was over and he had been there since the begin and now his life had end the same day as I had made it to the end of school so he had lived out his little duty or something like that :3

I had it like I lost my child, so I'm glad I'm not an elephant otherwise I would have died of sorrow xD but yeah think makes me tear up and but after remembering the good times with him  it me smile he was a good dog, but yeah six years ago.... His name is Idefix everybody says we have a lot in common well we're both born in the end of July( 25th & 28th) we both Leos both us shares Bday with a celeb me & Matt Leblanc, Nolan Funk & Idefix
We're both brown eyed xD On the mental level we're both shy, protective, charming, caring, smiling and we're both able to talk with our eyes

And as a flash I think Grant is doing an amazing job playing Barry Allen and The Flash

That's all  my fox cubs
CYA Foxy's Out :3

Bioshock Save Or Harvest

To Harvest or to Save a Lil' Sister that's the question!
didn't Harmlet never say but I didn't either cuz I'm too much of a Brigid Tenenbaum to make evil stuff like Frank Fountaine   
I seriously love the Bio Shock series alot it's brings back "I'm all alone but I am not" feeling u know it's u know u should be alone walking around Rapture except ur not and u know that any minute now a big daddy or a splicer is gonna jump right up and attack u
it's like watching the good ol' Alien movies u know Ripley all alone(not in the beginning buta you know) in a big arse spaceship with a Big nasty Xenomorph ready
Xenomorph's don't do that cenobites(which are from Hell) but Thx for ya input xD

that's the feeling thx morphius the Xenomorph XD
but yeah it's that certain feeling when u feel unsafe although u shouldn't 

Everytime i meet a lil' sister she is just too cute to harvest... u know i'm to much of a Barry Allen to actually harvest her   
 it's pretty simple i have a pretty huge nursing Gene where I become pretty much like a female Gorilla Human or gorilla a baby is a baby and a baby need a mommy...or in my case a daddy so yeah I protect Ma gals like a boss  Big Daddy XD

it's hard to take away their "Daddy" in order to become their StepDad and I don't Blame Brigid Tenenbaum for what happent it wasn't her intention to create lil' monster outta lil' gals so they could be used for EVIIIIL! she was just a scapegoat for Frank Fountaine it's kinda sad to think about 
Sorry i'm not going there cuz 

 I don't want to XD

Franky Boy did something pretty evil..*cough* Pardon me EEEEEEEVVVVAAAALLL!!! there we go he took lil' denfenceless innocent Gal away from their famillies and put them into his orphange in rapture to harvest ADAM from them after they swallowed the seaslug that turned them into lil' sisters
but it's Tenenbaum's research that let to the discovery of ADAM & EVE
A huge Shortout to HeirofRapture for making these please check HoR's artworks out on Tumblr as u didn't know was that it ships Atlas with Jack click on the pic of Jack right here and it take u there Foxcubs CYA
Foxy's Out :3


So rumour has it Grant "The Flash" Gustin is not gonna play The Flash in movie ....soooo Mr. Stephen "Green Arrow" Amell is pissed at DC I'm Pissed and... alot of The Flashes or The Flashonistas (we have some cool names right) but yeah The Flarrow commuinity is furious imaging if they where making a doctor who movie without Matt Smith as The Doctor how would they....oh yeah but imaging that he wasn't "killed"or "Reborn" or whateves it's called how would u feel or a movie about Loki without Tom Hiddleston as Loki or the terminator without good ol' Arny, X-men with Hugh Jackman as wolverine imaging ur fandom made a movie but the person who u'd loved would be playing he or she's part how would u feel? that feeling Foxcubs is the feeling we Flashes and Flashionista may have to cob with if DC get's the finally word Stephen Amell told them that it wouldn't suprise him if they found another one to play Oliver Queen/Green Arrow in the JLA Movie The Flash was the most viewings after two episodes...TWO EPISODES it's a HIT series I wouldn't go to the cinema and Watch the Flash nor JLA the movies if it's not Grant "The Flash" Gustin and Stephen "Green Arrow" Amell but I think Mr.Amell could pull some strings to get it right After all he is the Robert Downey Jr. of DC so maybe they have a change of heart ...pls Steph do it for the Flarrow community The click on The Flash in the top to get the "article"

the 2nd and 3rd of december Arrow and Flash will meet in an epic crossover so remeber to watch The Flash december 2nd and Arrow 3rd this gonna be AWESOME! 

fredag den 14. november 2014

Swearing while playing games

Let me Tell ha I swear A lot during Games lately
And before u little Fox Cubs say no shit Sherlock duh who doesn't do that? Hear me out
Me and my sister  played Sega tennis Super stars and I was playing a match against Amy Rose I said "if that filthy stalking cum slut takes on more set I'm gonna smack the ball right up her Herpes farm of a vagina and shove her tennis Racket right up her fucking shit hole and make her throw it up and eat it for breakfast"
My sister laughed and asked if it wouldn't be mean to the Racket and the ball

But yeah not the best thing hehe

Everybody swear during games if it annoys u enough

Me and My sister have a lot when we play games together she tried DS after I had completed it and she met regen necromorph :3 missed him so she called Him something pretty bad I wil spare u Fox cubs  but it had something to do with lobotomy but instead of a Cute Ice pick she would use übermorph McDickcockingAssShit own D*@# and F#@ the Sh#@ out of his puny slut Brain XD did I Mentioned She's not good with a gun in games and she missed him and he killed Isaac Clarke :3  ....My sister likes I/C Alot cuz his a badass XD
My sister and I considered to film it when we play cuz ..We're golden when we swear it's funny to hear two "polite" Adults Swear like Saliors XD

but we all do it 
it's like kissing the pain away or swearing it away like when ur get hurt u sometimes swear it out and helps alot! so keep Swearing at Dumb B#@...! in video games and be little more civille in real life :D

A Shout out to one Pawesome Artist on Deviantart is MoishPain She's Fucking at making realistic art this Is one of her art pieces 

U can by Prints of her Artworks on devi and u should defy check it out 

CYA Foxy's Out :3


Normally in tennis it's after four sets if both have won 2 sets then u have a tie break first to 7 wins the match. In quizzes if it's a draw or tie u have the final question that each team most answer correctly to win. If u play multiplayer games like Tf2, PvsZGW ""the multiplayer part of Ac3 " Gotham imposters or something like that and u play first to 50 kills or Last man standing or Capture  the flag if it's first to 50 and it's 49 to 49 the person who gets that kill funny enough is called the Tiebreaker cuz he..or she just grabbed the gold home for ur team that person saved ur virtual ass in Denmark we would call u "dagens mand i sky sovs" in the U.S ur Da Man of the day or The Man of the hour or the guy that saved our ass :3
When ur that person u feel awesome afterwards because kicked some ass and saved the day.

In gamers I'm usually the stealthy sneaking behind u and stab u.. If ur on the other team or the runner that runs with the flag or try to defend the runner or chase the runner from the other team down. No wonder I like The Flash & Arrow I mean sometimes what ur skills is in real life, reflects in which role u have in gaming or which Heroes that u like of course there's more to it than just ur skills when u pick heroes ;3

I'd Tried to be the tiebreaker ...a lot and there's a certain pressure but on the other side u feel great if u get the gold for ur team :'3

But back to the skills and how it reflects to the character role u chose
"I can be silent and move like a cat which it's good to scare people or not wake up everybody in the house if u party till 5 Am xD

Also I have a body like a runner, and a condition like one too, I not usain bolt or The Flash but I can run a marathon with out throwing up or dying on the way like somebody else I know

But it's somehow makes sense that in games I have the Runner or the stealthy role in multiplayer cuz I know instinctively how to do it of course the game person can do stuff u can't do and the other way around but in games u take a role mentally but u don't think about it but somehow u end up with something  that match ur skills in real life cuz u know in ur reptile how to do it

Well that was actually pretty funny to know but yeah my Fox Cubs that's what I hAd for this time CYA Foxy's Out! ;3

Alone in the dark review

Alone in the Dark review

Stine er mega sød og utrolig smuk og dejlig :-) - Stine 

Spoiler alert

Alone in the dark is not a game about u(Edward something something)being alone in the dark is more like about u (Edward something something) fighting Satan and his army of darkness to unleash hell on earth ....in New York ...oh yeah the army contains Humanz, Batz & Ratz I shit u not They are called Humanz, Batz and Ratz uh and do u get a boomstick Noooooh chainsaw? Noooooh and is there one tiny thing I've learned from watching the Evil dead trilogy is the way to fight the army of darkness is u gotta have and use a chainsaw and a boomstick....and don't read the necronomicon in the first place, but ahem back to AD not many know is that it's a remake fun fact it has NOTHING to do with the original Alone in the Dark, the only they have in common is the title and the main character's name Edward ....something it's a 8 chapter long story the plot starts for real around the end of chapter 5 and the beginning of chapter 6 .... I mean know "good"  horror novels gets more juicy around the middle of the book but for a game that is 8 chapters long that is not da best thing to do

And the story don't tell how Edward ...who is actually 100 years old, escaped.. Or came to be Lucifers cum slut in hell... Com'on I bet he took the fucking philosopher's stone that A ghost gave him shut it up his accident ass and was beamed down there by Scotty and then he plugged it out his ass a 100 years later because hell was Dull and came back with amnesia, but hey maybe he did who knows maybe he did that would actually more sense than the whole in this game...oh yes ur not Alone at all I mean u have the nosey gal Sarah who is like Ashley from RE 4 we all remember her right? Aww she was in the way all the time she was like Jar Jar Binks except Sarah takes the Cake which is not a lie this time :3 and don't even get me starting on the controls and weapons okay let's stay cool

I had some hope that it would be an awesome game but sadly no what A shame I would rate it 2 outta 5 no actually 1/5 outta 5 it was really bad if u ask me but it's up to u Fox Cubs if wanna buy anyway it's fine by me but I wouldn't recommend it. CYA Foxy's Out

onsdag den 12. november 2014

Update on Gaming

Right now I'm playing The Bureau XCOM declassified it's a Prequel to The XCOM Franchise or at least the prequel to the Reboot of the XCOM Series and take us back to the 1960 and Earth's first encounter with the "unknown Strangers" at first I didn't know it was A PREQUEL I just thought it Sounded awesome The Bureau! ..DECLASSIFIED! and the cover 

I mean Seriously i'm not a journalist but my couriousity wants to know what are they trying to cover up? why so Hush Hush? what are they Hidding? I know what the Blackspots are hidding on the cover but yeah u know what I mean in the game I'm really Courious ....any notes I read them! any Reccords I Listen to them! Because Detective work!

updated list of completed

The wolf among us (epi 1-5)

Assasins Creed(Xbox)

Alone in the Dark

MotorCross madness

Five nights at Freddy's(Plus day 6 & 7)


Dead space 1-2 plus dlc for DS 2

Dust: an elysian tell

Silent Hill 2 (DA BEST SH GAME)

Injustice GAU

Portal 1-2(Nerd mode :D)

Spider-man EOT

Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham City(plus dlc)

Rayman Legends

Saint's Row the third (plus the dlc's)

Street Fighter

Battle Block theatre (The cat owner Shit 'em bridges and died XD)

Saw 1-2

Crash Bandicoot WOC
TTT Poker night 2

Half Life 2
and got Tired of Minecraft X3

The Guy of the Day XD
Henry Cavill

torsdag den 6. november 2014

Update XD

Update from the land of Foxy Stuff

Sooooooooooo u guys r pretty fast not The Flash fast but Sonic(But its still pretty fast) fast U have reach 778 and i'm on the 20th ..yes this one is the 20th (amazing)  
we have ..around 50somthing days left of the year all i have to say is "aww Fuzznuggets"..yes I'd  quted  Sam from "Sam & Max"

the only question now is who reaches the goal first?

I have good feeling about this xD So I've got some plans for future topics.

  • Nostalgia.
  • The Tie Breaker.
  • Swearing xD
  • Love and other stuff.
  • Alone in dark review.
  • Bioshock Harvest or save?
  • The Alien Feeling
  • Gaming update
  • Fashion tips
  • ??? maybe Pep talking

torsdag den 30. oktober 2014


Sometimes some people don't know how to actaully treat u
I actaully have a mate who does it ALOT!
And sometimes it rather annoying especially if the person says I wasn't trying to hurt u
I know i know what u may think why so moxie about it Foxy?
well because my mate knows something that hurts me and she then does that and say she didn't know and sometimes it's really stupid I mean com'on if u trust people enough to let them in on things tht hurts u would kinda except well there could be one- two times where they might use it against u ..BUT THE COUNT IS UP AT 30 ATM!! 30TIMES I mean how can u forget stuff like that when WE HAVE BEEN OVER IT 29 times before Seriously I know some have short term memory fair enough and yes I can forget stuff too but sometimes enough is enough but yeah try to remeber what hurts others feelings cuz it's pretty annoying for the person ur hurting but also for u cuz yet again u did :3


Well said Grant !

And yes I do like the series arrow 

But why am I writing 'bout it 
funny thing my friend which is a girl...
She's not so good at reading "Signs" and flirting 
 for example she thought her Bf meant he wasn't into s.x atm. when he said "I like when the woman takes the lead.. and I was like

so yes somebody needs help and since i'm the most Flirty person she knows let me break it down

Rule No.1

"Eyes On the prize"
 well some girls...and guys may feel offended when I use the term prize but yeah think about I am only trying to shoot two birds with one stone and it's the most neutral cuz Yay call a person It and they get mad so now ur love interest is ZE prize in ma world :D 


 But Yay U gotta find out how the person is "douche, Lovely or whatever" But DO NOT STALK IT*S CREEPY AND UR NOT CREEPY UR JUST IN NEED....!!!

Rule No 2

Be Straight with the person

The Person don't want to hear 10.000.000 words about how fluffy Mr.Whiskers Is... If u love the person say it! Nothing more nothing less How hard can it Be?!?

Rule no 3

  Make Him/her Remember you

A Natural Flirter or a person who is flirty like My self (Cheese) sometimes sends a little harmless flirt with no interest of a relationship at all But it's not our problem that we're a little bit charming I mean Look at She hulk or Human Torch in the marvel Universe okay maybe DP But his crazy *I Don't CAre  his badass* and let's angle it over on to DC Yes yes The Flash is a flirty Little Guy :* and we love him. my point is Everyone got a Mark, Human Torch is kinda Childish or even kinda cheesy in his lines, She-hulk is a D.I.V.A! DP Is Crazy, The Flash according to Arrow is a "little" bit like a me kinda lovable clumsy, Corky shy and kinda warm and never meant to harm ya
Make you're mark it makes them remember something about u pinkie boy and reamember 
nothing is not embrassing it's all in ur thick skull!!

Rule no 4

Be you

nobody is better at being u than u so show us who u are,  the true u not that Miley Cyrus, Iggy A, Rita Ora or Ariana Grande u that u think everybody likes cuz let's face it you're non of them and if u Are then Autograph pls :3 but Even though u ain't flawless then Fuck that We all have our flaws nobody's perfect so don't try to be perfect be your self.

Rule no. 5

Seriously  no need to explain this Make the picture of u in his cute little head is a-like the real u and not something farfected but if he thinks ur sexy Then take it as a complet but  get him to know the Dear Sexy ass person u  r Honey 

Rule no. 6

Don't think about it 
Don't think of how you can flirt with peeps just do it otherwise ur defy not flirting althought u may have a wet dream about it, Magic, Flirting & doing stuff' is just something u do without thinking except if ur drunk flirting with ur mom xD Gal

Rule No. 7

Be Brave 

"Aww I bet he won't notice me" "aww he doesn't even eye" 
some of you have never even asked him or her? so unless ur a mindreader u don't have a clue although u have a thousand reasons why but it's not proof so instead of making an avalanche out of a F*ing Snowflake 
so pls talk to the person before u conclude something otherwise i might hit myself with my pan again and again and again. Sure it's scary to talk to ur crush but Be Brave otherwise he misses the chance to know the real sweet and hot ass gal u are and u lost the chance to get to know him cuz u were too scared.

Rule No 8.
Be cofident (Believe in urself)

I believe u can do it but that doesn't help u if u don't believe in u 
I could tell u why ur a sexy fierce little tigeress and how good u look in that dress and I don't say something like that unless I mean it but it doesn't matter if in ur head ur the ugliest person in whole damn world sure u might have small boobs or big boobs fuck that! u have what nature gave ya and u are unique so guys like big boobs others like small boobs Frankly I don't care about how big they are as longest they are au naturel cuz that is the sexiest boobs in the whole world and remember this 

The most beautiful flowers in the garden are those who manage to break through the hard cold Ground below although it aint fair
 -Kevin Sørensen, October 24th 2014


torsdag den 23. oktober 2014


U know the best cure for handling tough decisons and forgetting ur ex?
Chocolate? Icecream? Music? Sex?
good solutions but have u ever tried move the stuff in ur room?
when our stuff is standing certain places it reminds u of certain things and u thinking in a certain way
if u move ur bed and drawer or closet to a new place in the room then it might seem lighter or now u have made up ur mind if u should or should not Go ahead and kiss the boy or gal  or buy those shoes u first thought wasn't going to fit u or maybe u get the vision to a new artwork or song or whateves
because when we move around in our rooms we stuff around in our MIND!!!

Redecorating is lovely it made u forgot that sonvua #SwearWordUsedForDescribbingWomenInANegativeWay! #AlsoKnownAsAFemaleDog!
Some think ur just putting ur feeling aside and digging into work but no it's a tool to make u planning ur next step.

I do it alot....not as much as my friend Sonja but Bat(Kawaii Cherrish) thinks I do all the time....I do not I just do it every 3rd month X3

but I think it's a good way to think about the big and Little things that's known as Life
so remember to let ur feelings out or peeps think ur redec is to hide feelings so yeah u know open up Babe :3

Foxy Out :3

lørdag den 13. september 2014

New logo, new hat & New wax


I needed it sooooo badly....except I didn't XD but ahem I actually wanna buy it from now on because #SkullWax is a really neatdo label and it's weird enough Danish and it gots  a scent of Apples ..APPLE SCENT! also it is sooooooooooooooooo cute I love the design it's cute and Simple and I feel pretty darn sexy having it in my hair the price is 70.kr in kvickly (Pronouced Quickly) I bought the one called Pomade there is also a cute yellow one called #SkullWax Hard wax
it has it's own charm but I fell for the dukbutt XD 
And the closest to a Mohawk I ever had was A Fauxhawk or a Gareth Bale actually before my Bale was a bale it was a Marceline 
Credit By pepita1
it was not so long a Marci's but yeah a have huge spot let me say never cut your own her otherwiser u end up at the hairdresser and paying 'em for saving ur haircut XD


So I have this lovely mate she's called Chino (it's her nickname) she had a gift for me the gift was  A COD Ghots hat for  She's a lovely Gal 
and slthought I make fun and Called it Call of Duty in ur diaper she likes and she bought  the hat for me in case I should make a Marcie again and had to hide or in the winter when it gets cold Chino I love u Ur crazy gal even though i make fun of ur fav franchise :D  


Finally after a long time my blog have finally got it's logo It took forever 11months ago Bats(Kawaii-Cherish) asked me if she should design i said yes after a week she forgot it she have a short memory if u ask her fair enough happens to everybody ones in a while and I had to ask her again she said yes then alot of stuff happen that pushed it far out in the futureu know assignments and stuff then 6 months ago we had spare time yet again but nothing happen than a month ago i began making some sketches for it was told that it was impossible to do 2 weeks ago she gave me the finale logo asked if it was okay yeah sure :D then she asked if I needed help I answered yes Got a quarter of info how to do it and after only a quarter of instructions I went to Google and asked how to and now the Blog have a Logo xD thx to my sketches, Kawaii Cherish & Google.com  I may change someday but if u like to see my Impossible Sketches (1 of them is on insta) I'll link to my Instagram 

Just click on the pic of Ryan Kelley and it takes ya there Butt xD beware  XD
 and If ur in to peeps with a vintage/"Kawaii" theme who likes to talk about cosmics and stuff Check out Kawaii-Cherish's blog just click on the pic of the lady wearing a vintage dress (u owe me big tine for this Bats)
CYA Foxy's out